all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 1TA 38 0 53.416908 -2.831667
L36 1TB 15 0 53.419578 -2.825068
L36 1TD 16 0 53.419523 -2.822659
L36 1TE 41 0 53.420086 -2.824446
L36 1TF 21 0 53.420161 -2.82538
L36 1TG 6 0 53.417985 -2.831868
L36 1TH 9 0 53.421592 -2.825122
L36 1TJ 42 0 53.419393 -2.828465
L36 1TL 31 0 53.419526 -2.827474
L36 1TN 24 0 53.417531 -2.827345
L36 1TP 17 0 53.41707 -2.826464
L36 1TQ 40 0 53.419694 -2.829103
L36 1TR 31 0 53.418253 -2.826998
L36 1TS 23 0 53.417698 -2.826641
L36 1TT 32 0 53.419259 -2.827048
L36 1TU 30 0 53.418964 -2.826786
L36 1TW 32 0 53.41757 -2.828279
L36 1TX 26 0 53.420792 -2.823797
L36 1TY 21 1 53.420794 -2.824775
L36 1TZ 28 0 53.418334 -2.820394